Hayden Woolston


Contact Info

  •  Phone:+64 9 571 3544
  •  Mobile:0274 488-768
  •  Email:hayden@trucker.co.nz

About Hayden


At just 28 years of age, Hayden Woolston might be the youngest member of the Allied Publications team, but having grown up around the trucking and magazine industries, you could say that he has 28 years of experience behind him.

Hayden looks after the South Island and Lower North Island regions, as well as looking after a number of clients in the Auckland area.

His earliest recollections are of riding in trucks with his Dad, Allied Publications Managing Director Trevor Woolston, and helping to set up stands at truck shows & truck racing events, so he's no newcomer to the business.

After leaving school, Hayden did a three year stint at the coalface of the transport industry, loading trucks, before setting off on his OE to see the world like many young Kiwis.

Upon his return, the opportunity came along to work at Allied Publications, and Hayden jumped at it, joining the company in 2008. He took to it like a duck to water, enjoying interacting with the people in the business and setting himself high standards when it comes to taking care of his clients. He became a director of the company in 2015.

Hayden's a bit of a chip off the old block, and when he's not at work he loves his fishing and the outdoors. He's a keen rugby player and still believes he has a chance of a professional rugby career. Yeah Right!

Contact Hayden


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